FLW Outdoors Foundation, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Partner To Advance Conservation, Education

FLW Outdoors today announced that the newly formed FLW Outdoors Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization designed to connect America’s youth to their natural resources, promote education, conservation and an active lifestyle, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to establish a general framework for cooperation between the FLW Outdoors Foundation and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to:

  1. Advance the corporate and public appreciation of fish and wildlife and the challenges they face in our ever changing world.
  2. Identify the needs and assistance required to protect and ensure the survival of fish and wildlife and their habitat.
  3. Explore strategies and promote efforts to connect people and especially youth with nature.
  4. Develop, encourage, and promote effective working relationships among agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and corporations working to protect and restore fish and wildlife and their habitats.
  5. Support the organizational goals of both parties.

“We are proud to be partnering with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,” said FLW Outdoors President of Operations Kathy Fennel. “To join forces with this agency in educating future generations of fishing enthusiasts is a testament to FLW Outdoors’ legacy as a leader in both professional and recreational fishing.”

Fennel and FLW Outdoors President of Marketing Trisha Blake signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Bryan Arroyo, who is the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Assistant Director of Fisheries & Habitat Conservation on Wednesday as part of the preliminary activities to the Forrest Wood Cup being held Aug. 11-14 in Hot Springs, Ark.

“To have FLW Outdoors sign this memorandum is a victory for the fishing public,” Arroyo said. “Their history, reputation in the industry and hands-on experience in conservation will be a valuable resource in ensuring the youth of tomorrow will be able to enjoy the fruits of the country’s fisheries for years to come.”

The FLW Outdoors Foundation will function nationwide engaging thousands of volunteers at nearly 200 fishing tournaments and thousands of fishing expos to achieve measurable on-the-ground success in youth angler recruitment and retention. The Foundation seeks to maximize the impact of existing partnerships and expertise through experiential learning opportunities that meet the shared goals of partner schools, natural resource agencies and corporations. This hands-on approach will allow the Foundation and its partners to connect leisure activities with sound educational principles and inspire an active lifestyle that can help turn the tide in the fight against childhood obesity.

Funding helps support youth fishing and boating safety programs as well as career pathway programs for high school and college students. Foundation funding also supports conservation programs to enhance aquatic habitat and sustain quality fisheries for future generations.

FLW Outdoors is the best in fishing, on and off the water. Anglers worldwide can compete for millions over the course of 191 tournaments in 2011. FLW Outdoors has taken fishing mainstream with the world’s richest fantasy sports game, FLW Fantasy Fishing presented by Straight Talk, where competitors can play for free as well as sign up for Player’s Advantage to gain an edge. For more information about FLW Outdoors and FLW Fantasy Fishing, visit the FLWOutdoors website or the FantasyFishing website.By: Chad Gay, Public Relations Manager


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