Butch & Cindy Scheppler Win Cedar Creek

Extremely challenging conditions met our CAST Northeast region couples on Cedar Creek Lake.

First, the ice storm on Tuesday and Wednesday that kept the temperature below the freezing mark for over 48 hours.

Second, the water temperature dropped to 46 degrees from all of the sleet and ice.

Third, cold muddy water from the run off turned the lake a dark brown color. It’s times like this that make you wonder why you took up bass fishing in the first place.

However, as always someone will triumph over Mother Nature and put together a pattern for catching fish. This time it was Butch & Cindy Scheppler who managed to figure out what needed to be done to catch fish. They brought 8.22 lbs to the scales and collected $850.00 for their effort. They said that they had to use small baits and caught most of their fish on a 4-inch Exude super Lizard in Blue Fleck.

Placing second was Bill & Audrey Gammons who landed 3 fish that went 7.33 lbs.

Big Bass of the tournament was caught by Todd & Jennifer Anderson and weighed in at 6.00 lbs.

Rounding out the top six teams were Todd & Jennifer Anderson, Mike Baston & Sharee Anglin, Jimmy & Mary Edwards, and Joe & Suzie Moss.

The next tournament of the Northeast region is on Sunday March 30, 2003. We will be headquartering out of Oak Cove Marina. Oak Cove Marina is located on Hwy 287 South just 20 miles east of Interstate 45 (903-872-0888)By: Tommy & Barbara Taylor / C.A.S.T.


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