Chris & Kim Forner, 2001 CAST Northeast Anglers of the Year Win Tawakoni with 18.94 lbs.

The weather could not have been better for C.A.S.T.’s Northeast regions June Tawakoni tournament. The day started out overcast and with just a mild breeze. You could not have asked for a better top water situation.

Many of the couples stated that they landed several of their fish on a variety of Buzz baits, Pop-R’s, and Slug-0’s around the edges of many of the lakes grass beds. Lots of additional fish were caught by the couples that were in the 12-13 inch range showing how good Tawakoni will be in the future. At around noon the sun popped out and the temperature started climbing to the low 90’s. This pushed the fish deeper into the weed beds and most of the bass were landed on dark colored worms and jigs.

Chris and Kim Forner of Waxahachie brought the heaviest sack of bass to the weigh in line with a five fish limit that tipped the scales at 18.94 pounds. With their largest bass weighing 4.75 pounds you can see that they had 5 solid fish. They took home $914.00 for their days catch.

When asked what lures brought in the fish, they were hushed mouthed and then Chris said, ” I don’t know, All I know is we got to cull.” Kim said, “Winning a CAST tournament is all about teamwork.”

Bob & Charlene Way of Frankston were second with a 12.40 lbs of fish. Bob said that they also could fish anywhere that they wanted and that they culled several fish in reaching their 12 pounds.

Joe and Mary Jim Woods were 3rd place with 11.33 pounds. It also happens that this was their 39th wedding anniversary. Most of us thought that Mary Jim was much smarter than that to stay with Joe for so long. I guess the saying is right, Love is blind. Congratulations for both the tournament and the anniversary.

Rounding out the top six teams were 4th place Davis Burden & Dianne Garman of Garland with 10:00lbs.; 5th place Randy & Leta Bunch of Wylie with 9.93lbs; and in 6th place were Ronnie & Pam Wilson with 8.83lbs.

The Big Bass of the tournament was landed by Keshia Stevenson. Her fish went 5.15lbs and was caught in Rabbit cove a little after 9:00am.

C.A.S.T./Northeast would like to thank all of our sponsors for their help in making these tournaments possible. Ranger Boats, Mercury Outboards, Continental Batteries, Eagle Claw, The Shad Connection, J-Ann Awards, Lucky Craft Co.,, West TexasTwister Rods and Luxor Custom Jewelers and ProRule.

By: Tommy & Barbara Taylor / C.A.S.T.


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