Cloudy Conditions …. Crank It

I thought Iâd pass along some fishing tips for when you might be up in the northeast, fishing some of our clear lakes. You know we get a lot of situations where we have cloudy, overcast, rainy weather and the fish tend to not bite as well during those conditions. What I like to do is go to a crank bait. You tend to catch more fish with a crank bait then say a spinner bait or a top water in cloudy conditions. I know that doesn’t sound consistent to a lot of lakes especially down south, but up north here you’ll find they bite a little bit better when it’s bright and sunny.

And when it is bright and sunny, I like to throw top water, spinner baits, especially with painted blades. These fish see a lot of spinner baits. And I like to throw gold with a white mixed in there, or a white blade with a gold mixed in there. White works the best.By: Walker Agency


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