David & Tammy Waller Enjoy Dream Day of Fishing, Take Win with 21.45 lbs

Couples Association of Sports Tournaments/North Regions’ David and Tammy Waller fished main lake points with Carolina Rigs to weigh 21.45 lb. of Black Bass.

C.A.S.T./North Region Couples could not have asked for a better day to fish, with light wind, cool temperatures and clear water to weigh-in a total of 171 Lbs of nice Blacks and Smallmouth Bass.

David & Tammy Waller fished all main lake points to catch their five fish limit. The Wallers’ had a day of fishing that every Fisherman’s dreams are made of, catching 21.45 Lbs of fish and having to cull fish all day long because they kept catching bigger ones.

How many times has a Fisherman said “Just one more cast?”

Well, for John Bills and Brenda Reeves that one last cast of John’s Berkley Blue Fleck Power Worm produced the bite that won them Big Bass of the day, because John landed a 6.55 LB Largemouth.

The top six teams in the C.A.S.T./North Region Tournament were:

1) David & Tammy Waller 21.45 LBs
2) John Bills & Brenda Reeves 14.25 LBs
3) Rod & Rosanne Simpson 11.55 LBs
4) Ronnie & Susan Barker 10.80 LBs
4) Don Burnett & Darlene Wright 10.80 LBs
6) Roy & Glenda Flechtner 10.60 LBs

We wish to thank our sponsors Ranger Boats, Quantum Motor Guide, Terminator Spinnerbaits, Woodstream, Eagle Claw Tackle and Berkley for helping to make these tournaments possible, and a very special thanks to a local Possum Kingdom Merchant, Scenic Point North View Motel for their hospitality.By: Garry & Connie Darby, Director / C.A.S.T.


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