Despite Foggy weather, Fishing was Good.

May 1, 2005 came in cold and foggy for the second tournament of 2005 for the North Division of F.A.C.T. couples.

With an hour fog delay we gave the couples a extra hour in the afternoon to make up for the fog. We had a good tournament with twenty five couples showing up to try and catch some fish. The temp was in the thirty’s early,  but warmed up in the afternoon to around seventy.

With all that we had twenty four couples catch fish and only one zero.

1st place went to the 2004 Anglers of the Year Wendy and Tommy Pickett of Bartlett, TN. with five fish at 14.56 lbs. and Big Bass of the tournament at 4.09 lbs.

2nd place went to Jenna and Jerry Moore of Houston, MS. with five fish at 9.93 lbs. 3rd place went to Debbie and Mark Davis of Memphis, TN. with five fish at 9.72 lbs. 4th place was Debbie Wright and Kelly Harrell of Houston, MS.  with five fish at 9.26 lbs and Debbie had third Big Bass of the day at 4.02 lbs.

Our next tournament is 6/26/05 at Columbus, MS.

We want to thank our sponsors Sports of All Sorts, The floor Store, Davis Contracting, Bo’s Three Star Muffler, Craw-Cane, Strike King Lures, Hammer Rods, and Nichols Ford for all their help and support.By: Alicia/David Griffin, Directo


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