Don Watts and Tryce Warner Take Win At Season Finale

The fourth and final stop of the 2004 Lake Drive Marine Bass Tour has been completed and the top 25 places were determined. There was a lot of moving around. If you were in the top 25 earlier it was a must to catch at least one fish as some teams found out. The list is posted on “Year To Date” and the top 25 teams are listed. Greg Mangus and Pat Tappenden finished the year with a 24 point lead and again won points champions. Great job Greg and Pat !!

Once again Muskegon Lake showed to be a quality fishing location. As in any lake, though some teams were able to enjoy the fishing much more than others. Out of the 68 teams fishing, 15 teams showed up at weigh in with a limit, 47 teams weighed in fish. Don Watts and Tryce Warner had a great day and were untouchable with a limit that averaged #3.45 per fish and totaled #17.25. They received both first and second Big Bass Honors, weighing #5.11 and #4.10. Big Bass was sponsored by Mariner Enterprise. Greg Mangus and Pat Tappeneden were their closest competitor with a limit that weighed #13.20.

Shawn and Brain Freeze who were unfamiliar with the lake decided to fish anyway. They held their own with a limit weighing #11.02, but decided it was well worth their time when they received the $1000.00 G3 Lucky Draw Money.

CLASSIC INFO: The classic will be held on September 12, 2004 at Michigan Center in Jackson, MI. The lake is off limits from September 5th at midnight until the classic. There will be a $20.00 entry fee and check in will start at 6:00 a.m. and a quick meeting will be held at 6:45 a.m. A box lunch will be handed out at check in. Congratulations to the top 25 teams. We are looking forward to the classic.

NEXT YEAR SCHEDULE: We are finalizing the schedule for the next year and will get them out as soon as possible. Again we will have the early entry drawing on March 1st 2005. We will be limiting the field to the first 75 boats, however we will not be raising the entry fee.

We have several people that we would like to thank for all their help this season. Starting with the sponsors.. Skeeter Boats, G3 Boats, Yamaha Outboards, Hemel Chevrolet, Diehl Realty, Mariner Enterprise (Todd and Daphne Larson), Solar Bat Sun Glasses, Rogue Rods, Nichols Lures, K&E Tackle (Jim Sprague). On a more personal level…. .Kevin and Kelly Warner, John Gustin, Jim Connell, Todd and Daphne Larson, Don and Pam Uetrecht, Shawn Green, Kyle Bussing, Jaron Uetrecht, Phil Helton, Cody Johncock, Joelle and all who fished. Without these sponsors and the people none of this would be possible.
Thank You !!!


Jeff & Julie


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