Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame – More Than a Museum

When you mention the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame (HOF) to someone they typically think of a record-keeping operation. This must be where those world records for all the different fish species are kept. They’re partially right. The HOF, which is located in Hayward, WI, does maintain a record book of both world record fish as well as line-class records for all of the freshwater species in North America. But there is more.

Consider their special recognition and enshrinement program. There are six categories for this nationally recognized freshwater sportfishing achievement program which has enshrined and inducted over 300 persons and organizations since 1980.

Some examples of the individuals that fill some of these categories won’t be a surprise. The Lindner brothers, Ron and Al, have been enshrined in the HOF along with greats like Curt Gowdy and Ernest Hemingway just to name a few. Greats like Gary Roach and Hank Parker are just a couple of individuals who have been inducted as LEGENDARY ANGLERS.

There have been many great anglers, communicators, guides and fishing ambassadors who have spent their lives promoting a sport they had a passion for. It is these people who are recognized through the HOF as fulfilling their dreams and creating an environment to promote and expand the great sport of freshwater fishing.

The HOF also has a well-attended museum. The museum is located in Hayward, WI and not only will you be able to take a trip down memory lane with all the collectibles that are displayed there, but there is a fishing pond and a unique grounds area.

The highlight of the museum complex is a landmark “Shrine to Anglers” which is a structure one-half city block long and four and one-half stories tall, of concrete, steel and fiberglass, hand-sculpted into the likeness of a leaping fish muskie. Its innards are a museum and its gaping open jaw accommodates about 20 persons or more as an observation platform. The landmark is surrounded by a quarter-acre nature pond.

The adjacent four-building museum complex displays fishing artifacts, housing an inventory of over 5,000 dated lures, hundreds of antique rods, reels and angling accessories, over 300 antique rods, reels and angling accessories, over 300 antique and classic outboard motors, and more than 400 mounts of near 200 different species of fish. The museum also houses a video theater, seating 35 people. The theater shows constant running, all-day movie shorts depicting the educational and instructional aspects of fishing and related subjects.

The original idea for the HOF came from Bob Kutz, of Hayward, Wisconsin, in 1960. Kutz with the aid of his wife, Fannie, became the developers and managers of the project.

In 1969, a group of five local individuals decided that there was a need to generate some well-needed funding for the project and after a several year effort to generate government funding did not materialize, the effort turned to soliciting individuals and fishing industry corporations for a one million dollar fund goal.

While individuals began to respond and the fishing industry did not, a non-fishing corporate entity did offer to become a major donor: the Jim Beam whiskey distillers of Chicago and Kentucky.

Beam offered a ten-year program to produce benefits from the national sale of collectors fish decanters from which the fledgling Hall could net about $300,000.00 over a ten-year period.

The Hall concept now had assurance of $20-$30,000.00 a year for an extended period to pay basic ongoing and promotion expenses while national support was nurtured for further funding and growth. That “Beam” contract generated the interest of the nation’s outdoor writers and encouraged thousands of individual’s contributions. The “James B. Beam” Corporation can rightfully be called the “Father” of the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame.

In 1971 the first “Beam” decanter was issued from which the HOF netted $28,000.00; its first major money. In 1972 an office and headquarters was opened in a donated space for the FOF to operate from and a concentrated effort to publicize the concept nationally was initiated.

It wasn’t until 1976 that the gateway building was opened as a temporary museum facility and visitors were encouraged for a donation. 8,000 visitors came that first summer season. A 50-cent gate was initiated the end of July.

Each year saw continued growth and in 1993 the HOF instituted the “catch and release” program to recognize angler accomplishments while practicing conservation of the resource. The program was favorably received by the angler public and the media. Recognition is based on length only, to encourage less stressful release, and depends largely on the integrity of the angler.

Today over 80,000 people visit the museum annually to see such sights as the first boat motor that was commercially built by Ole Evinrude or the displays of classic lures. Some want to take a stroll down memory lane while others are just curious when it comes to some of that antique gear. There is something for everyone when it comes to the artifacts and history at the museum.

But people still think of the record book when it comes to the HOF. The record book is where you can get the information regarding all the world record catches for every freshwater species in America. There are also loads of line-class records, some which have yet to be filled. Yes, anyone can hold a world record; you just might have to do some research and look for those species that are not as âpopularâ as let’s say the largemouth bass or walleye. Although, never rule out that the largemouth or walleye record could be broken. It seems that every year there is a popular species that sees a bigger fish. This year is could be that bass or walleye. Anglers have been close in not-too-distant years and its just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

For more information on the Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame check out their new web site. You’ll likely see something there that will interest you, or you may have someone in mind that deserves to be included in the recognition program.By: Tim Lesmeister


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