International Cap Cana Billfish Shootout – June 5th thru 11th

Greetings Everyone,

Only one month left for the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the International Cap Cana Billfish Shootout – June 5th thru 11th and excitement is starting to mount.

More and more sportfishing boats are arriving every day at Marina Cap Cana, the fishing is getting better each day, and preparations are underway so that this year’s Shootout will be the best ever.

New sponsors are signing up, especially our new tournament Rum, Bermudez, distillers of fine quality spirits. Welcome aboard Bermudez Rum.

Great social activities are planned for your enjoyment with great support of the Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Tourism (MITUR), including the elegant Chivas Regal Scotch White Party at Dux and of course the popular Caribbean Bermudez Rum Bash at Juanillo Beach. Even the Fourth Annual Cap Cana Cook Off, scheduled for night of June 8th, is getting a lot of attention with several crews planning secret recipes to submit to the panel of judges. Rumor has it that the Tournament Observers have challenged the reigning and still undefeated Champions, Puerto Rico’s Team Peje, and will be submitting their own creation which according to them is sure to dethrone the champs. Artist Carey Chen, creator of our tournament logo twenty years ago as well as this year’s tournament art will be in attendance with some of his latest creations.

So get ready and join us for this year’s great celebration. Registration is available on our website-intlbillfishtourns.

See you in Cap Cana.

Good fishing,

Rick Alvarez

Tournament Director

Tel: (305) 213-5521

By: Rick Alvarez – Tournament Dire


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