John Bills and Brenda Reeves win on Cedar Creek

Having a fishing tournament on Cedar Creek Lake on July 4th weekend turned out to be a gamble that paid off for C.A.S.T./North. Everyone but our couples must have slept in that morning because the boat ramps were empty, the recreational crafts and pleasure boaters were few and the fish had decided to bite.

John Bills and Brenda Reeves have fished C.A.S.T. for 13 years and have a wall full of plaques that prove their fishing abilities, but for all those years that first place plaque seemed to be out of reach for them. Sunday John and Brenda Carolina-rigged deep main lake points with craw worms and landed the only five fish stringer of the day. Their total weight of 13.30 LBS landed that first place trophy and netted them a $500.00 payout.

Mike and Kelley Mellen also fished deep main lake points using a Florida -rigged (screw weight) brush hogs and brought to the scales a nice 9.45 Lb stringer for second place.

Tim and Rhonda McDaniel boated the 5.15 Lb Big Bass of the day on a Carolina-rigged lizard using the “pattern of the day”, deep main lake points.

Bill and Anna Polster took second place Big Bass with a nice black weighing 4.35 LBS. The fish was landed about 1:30 P.M. on a crank bait fish around a boat house.

Top Seven C.A.S.T./North Teams for Cedar Creek Lake:

1)John Bills & Brenda Reeves13.30
2)Mike & Kelley Mellen 9.45
3)Bill & Anna Polster8.50
4)Ronnie & Susan Barker7.30
5)Tim & Rhonda McDaniel7.25
6)Scott & Bonnie Walt6.55
7)Dannie & Amy Golden6.40

Big Bass

1)Tim & Rhonda McDaniel5.15
2)Bill & Anna Polster4.35

C.A.S.T./North would like to give a special thank you to the new owners of Bonner’s Sunny Glen Resort, Scot & Janet Bonner.

C.A.S.T./North would like to thank all of our sponsors for their help in making these tournaments possible. Ranger Boats, Mercury Outboards, Continental Batteries, Eagle Claw, The Shad Connection, J-Ann Awards, Lucky Craft Co. Limited,, West Texas Twister Rods, Luxor Custom Jewelers and ProRULE.

By: Garry & Connie Darby, Director / C.A.S.T.


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