Joy & Tom Caruthers win on Lake Ferguson

The second tournament for the Central Ms. F.A.C.T. Couples was held on Lake Ferguson in Greenville Ms. We had 5 couples to fish with 12 fish caught and a total weight of 27.38 lb. with all released alive. The big bass weighed 3.99 lb. caught by Tom Caruthers that also along with wife Joy came in first place with 8.61 lb. Second place was Lisa Bacon and Ron Fears with a total weight of 8.16 lb.. Ron told us the he caught over three limits of fish during the course of the day. So I guess that means that Bill Dance’s says that 90 percent of the fish are in 10 percent of the water.

The day started out with a light sprinkle and turned into a day of hard to light rain. All but one couple caught fish and they left around noon. You can only have so much fun fishing in the rain. Richie Lay fished without his wife April that has been sick and we wish her a speedy recovery. Our newest couple and also newly weds Kathleen and Jim Lynn caught their first fish of the year. So Congratulations on the fish and the marriage Kathleen and Jim. There is a saying in the South that goes (the couple that fishes together stays together) so hang in there and keep catching fish.

All our couples that didn’t make it to this tournament you missed a good one and we hope see you at the next one on May 16th at LeTourneau Landing in Vicksburg, Ms.

We would like to THANK our local Sponsors: Merle Norman owner Shanna Kaye Stringer, Vans Hunting and Fishing, The Tackle Doctor, Caruther, Inc. Rick’s Sales & Service (Hamby’s) and Las Jefecitas Restaurant in Florence, Ms.

Charlotte & David Mace
Central Ms. F.A.C.T. Couples Directors

1) Joy & Tom Caruthers 3 fish 8.61 lb. $300.00
2) Lisa Bacon & Ron Fears 5 fish 8.16 lb. $100.00
3) Richie Lay 3 fish 7.51 lb.
4) Kathleen & Jim Lynn 1 fish 3.10 lb.
5) Cynthia & Mike Norsworthy 0 fish 0 lb.

Big Bass Tom Caruthers 3.99 lb. $25.00

By: Charlotte & David Mace


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