Kent & Neta Geeslin from Goldthwaite,Texas win Lake Amistad with 5 fish for 15.65 lbs.

Fishing Lake Amistad during the month of March normally produces double digit fish, but for Kent & Neta a limit of 3 pounders proved to be enough. This CAST couple started their day helping to care for their son-in-law Joe Leverett. He busted open his thumb while hooking up to the boat Sunday morning. Joe made the comment at weigh-in that he should have had more stitches because their fish were the same number of stitches he had(4).

CAST would like to thank the management of the Amistad Lodge (830) 775-8591 for being such great host. If your ever fishing Lake Amistad please give them a call, they will treat you right.

CAST couples are a special group. From their concerns that everyone knows the best baits to use or that they are fishing in the best places, to taking time out of their day to pull other fishermen in that have motor problems. You guys make all the directors so very proud to be a part of CAST.

Our next tournament will be held on Lake Coleman, April 18th this lake has been at full pool and should produce some big fish. We will have registration at the RV park near the ramp on Lake Coleman from 5 till 6pm Saturday the 17th.

Top Six Lake Amistad

1st. Kent & Neta Geeslin 15.65 lbs.
2nd. Waylon & Karla Bullard 15.31 lbs.
3rd. John & Grace Watts 12.92 lbs.
4th. Ray & Lisa Stubblefield 11.08 lbs.
5th. James & Donna Vance 11.02 lbs.
6th. Cliff & Sarah Wagnor 10.79 lbs.

CAST/ WEST would like to thank all of our sponsors for their help this year Ranger Boats, Mercury Outboards, Academy Sports and Outdoors, Eagle Claw, Mr. Twister, Mepps Lures, J-Ann Awards, World of Fishing, Luxor Custom Jewelers, Ad Mart, Kraft Foods and the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce.By: Tommy & Pam Busbee / C.A.S.T.


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