Larry & Georgia Mulkey take 1st with 3 fish

July 22 Lake of the Pines Tournament Results:

1st PLACE: Larry & Georgia Mulkey
2nd PLACE: Wes & Toni Lindsey
3rd PLACE: Virgil & Julie Akin
BIG BASS: Virgil & Julie Akin

C.A.S.T. ArkTex Region’s sixth tournament for 2001 was held on Lake of thePines. The day turned out to be excessively hot. Persistence andendurance of the heat paid off for Larry & Georgia Mulkey as they took 1stplace with three (3) fish weighing 6.54 lbs. Wes and Toni Lindsey took 2ndplace with two (2) fish weighing 5.83 lbs. Virgil and Julie Akin took 3rdplace and big bass with one (1) fish weighing 3.64 lbs.

We want to give a special thank you to Roy, Linda, Floyd, Ruth, Larry andGeorgia for providing a wonderful barbecue Saturday night. I hope everyoneenjoyed visiting with each other and ending the 2001 season with suchwonderful people.

It has been a great year and Wes and I have enjoyed fishing with each andevery one of the ArkTex couples. We have had some cold tournaments, rainytournaments, and hot tournaments but the people made each and every one seemlike the perfect tournament.

We hope that everyone will return for the 2002 season and bring your friends.

By: Wes & Toni Lindsey, / C.A.S.T.


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