Historically, participants in Middle Keys tarpon tournaments get the best bites during evenings of fishing either at or near any of three landmarks – Seven Mile, Bahia Honda and Long Key Viaduct bridges – as tarpon run close to those Keys spans between April and July.
Headquartered at a new common venue, the 7 Mile Marina and Salty’s Waterfront Grill at mile marker 47.5 bayside, two long-running Keys tournaments provide passionate tarpon anglers back-to-back weekend challenges in May, allowing ample opportunities to confront the explosive silver king.
The all-release Marathon International Tarpon Tournament’s 46th year is to kick off with a late signup, captains meeting and lunch at 12 p.m. Thursday, May 3. Fishing is scheduled for Thursday and Friday evenings, with lines-in at 4:30 p.m. and lines-out set at 8:30 p.m. both nights. Saturday’s fishing is scheduled 4-8 p.m.
The 36th annual title of “fairest one of all” is up for grabs at the two-night Ladies Tarpon Tournament slated for the following weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 12-13. Late registration and captains meeting is set for noon Saturday, May 12. Lines-in begins at 4:30 p.m. and fishing continues until lines-out at 8:30 p.m. both evenings.
During each catch-and-release tournament, individual anglers and two-angler teams compete for trophies awarded for first through third place as well as first- and second-place captains.
This year the tournaments have adopted a circle-hook-only policy as part of an overall conservation effort to protect and enhance fish stocks, for decades a fishing ethic of the Keys where catch-and-release fishing was pioneered.
Entry fee for each tournament is $295 and includes the angler and captain. Dock parties, prizes, raffle drawings, live music and awards banquets are being planned for both weekend events, to be held at Salty’s Waterfront Grill following each tournament’s final night of fishing.
Proceeds from both tournaments benefit the Marathon Youth Club.
To register for either tournament: 305-289-1542 or [email protected] Marathon visitor information: fla-keys website/marathon or 1-800-262-7284 Florida Keys fishing information: fla-keys website/fishingBy: Andy Newman/Carol Shaughnessy