New Smallmouth Bass Book Ready for Holiday Giving

If you’ve been searching for that one “good book” for your favorite angler this Christmas, you can stop looking. And if that person fishes for bass, you’ll really be a hero!

Fishing Hot Spots, the nation’s largest fishing map publisher proudly introduces SMALLMOUTH! AMERICA’S TOP BASS WATERS, the first book ever to profile the best action waters available for the scrappy bronzebacks. Author Russ Warye, Fishing Hot Spots’ senior research editor, has fished all over North America and puts his broad experience as an angler and guide between the 225 pages of this new book.

A smallmouth bass revolution is taking place as new and traditional fisheries expand opportunities for the freshwater fish that’s been called “the gamest fish that swims.” The outdoor press has dubbed them “the sport fish of the new millenium.” From Lake Erie to Rainy Lake on the Minnesota/Ontario border, smallmouth bass are becoming the focus of attention and in some cases, the most popular species pursued by anglers. Even displacing the hallowed walleye.

The book is presented in a large 8_ x 11 format and features 42 of the premier lakes and rivers on the continent with 65 pages of detailed maps and loads of illustrations and photographs. It includes chapters on smallmouth bass life history, the latest management techniques and the significant role of anglers and the marvelous revolution occurring to create new trophy fisheries. Written in the Fishing Hot Spots tradition of detailed research, each lake or river focuses on the present bass population, growth rates and forage, trophy potential and includes detailed presentations on catching them. Among the waters profiled are: Lake of the Woods, Pickwick, Dale Hollow, Sturgeon Bay and the Upper Mississippi River.

The new SMALLMOUTH! book joins other titles in the Destination Series of publications from Fishing Hot Spots; WISCONSIN’S TOP MUSKIE LAKES and CHICAGOLAND’S TOP 30 FISHING TRIPS. Several other titles will be available later next year.

This new book and all Fishing Hot Spot products are available at thousands of dealers across the country, or by making a toll-free call to, 1-800-ALL MAPS.

By: Mike Michalak/Russ Warye


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