Ocean Marketing Chosen For SeaPack US East Coast Sales

Unique Emergency Desalination System Turns Seawater Into Thirst-Quenching, Life Saving Drink

Manta Ventures LLC of Virginia Beach, Virginia has chosen Ocean Marketing to represent the company’s unique SeaPack Emergency Desalination System on the US east coast.

SeaPack removes pure water from the sea and transforms it into a drink that is high in calories to provide life-sustaining energy – without having to hand pump or use electrical power. The passive system is portable, compact, easy-to-use – and low-cost.

During an emergency situation at sea, reliability and simplicity are vital. SeaPack makes a survival drink from any available water supply – salt water, brackish water, even muddy water. It is small enough to fit in a kayak, liferaft canister or in an emergency ditch bag and costs about $US100 per pack.

Headquartered in Guilford, Connecticut, Ocean Marketing has been representing leading marine products manufacturers since 1968. Dealers and boat builders along the US east coast interested in SeaPack should call 1+800.343.8294.

By: Homeport Communications


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