Pam & Tommy Busbee tame Hubbard Creek

The Couples Association of Sports Tournaments West Region held their 3rd tournament of the season at Hubbard Creek Lake April 13. The Lord provided great weather and good fishing for the couples and we Thank him. Even though this was a lake change that no one likes to have to do, it turned out to be a really good tournament. Of course the couples are saying that next time we fish Hubbard Creek the Busbee’s have to spot everyone a little weight. Yes, my wife ‘Pam’ kicked my bass again on Hubbard Creek, not the nice 9 lb. something she had two years ago (which was the last time she was on the lake) but a 5.98 lbs. isn’t anything to sneeze at. I was a much better netter this time so don’t give up on us ladies, we eventully will put you on fish.

We want to Thank the couples that brought door prizes and the gift cards from Academy Sports and Outdoors were just super. Shop till you drop at AcademyThe Mister Twister Exude 5in Slugs the couples received were working again this week, but the Big Bass came on a small white crank bait from Academy and some others on spinnerbaits in shallow water near points.

In case you did not hear, Kay Scibek had her gallbladder rupture Saturday night and was rushed to the hospital. So please send her a note of Get Well Wishes as I’m sure she needs them and we wish her the best.

Just a note from the back of the boat: Please e-mail with your phone numbers if Busbee has not called or your e-mail address if you didn’t receive this newsletter by e-mail. Thanks????

Top Six @ Hubbard Creek Lake

1stPam & Tommy Busbee 16.28 lbs.Brownwood, Texas
2ndLori & Mike Schooler 13.01 lbs.Weatherford, Texas
3rdGail & Dennis Brown 12.02 lbs.Iowa Park, Texas
4thCarrie & Dalton Cooley 11.38 lbs.Brownwood, Texas
5thBrandi & Frank Mixon 10.26 lbs.Abilene, Texas
6thNeta & Kent Geeslin 9.50 lbs. Goldthwaith, Texas
Big Bass

Pam Busbee5.98 lbs. Weatherford — Brownwood

Next TournamentWe will be fishing O.H. Ivie on May 4th. We will register at Concho Park  (915) 357-4466 in front of the store from 5 till 6 pm on Saturday and at the ramp on Sunday before safe light. I think there are other tournaments that weekend so call or e-mail us if you need help finding rooms. Ballinger is not too far if you have to stay there. Just an ideaA Special Thanks to our Sponsors: Ranger Boats, Mercury Motors, Academy Sports and Outdoors, Mepps and Mister Twister baits, Luxor Jewelers, Continental Batteries, Ad Mart, Pro Rule,, J-Ann Awards and Kraft Foods.

  • Classic 2003–Lake Sam Rayburn

By: Tommy & Pam Busbee / C.A.S.T.


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