Whether you’re going to the Gulf, flying to the flats or sneaking off to the Sierras, Penn’s new rod and reel travel systems will make the perfect travel companions.
This new slection of high quality three and four piece fishing rods — performance matched with Penn reels — covers everything from light tackle freshwater to medium heavy saltwater situations. Each of Penn’s travel system rods can be easily stowed away in its handsome carrying case for convenient storage in overhead bins, crowded trucks — even backpacks.
There are four different categories of Penn travel rods to choose from, including: International® II casting, International® II spinning, Gold Medal™ fly fishing and Prion™ spinning models. All of these rods are crafted using the finest quality blanks and components available. They also feature Penn’s custom ferrule system for the look and solid performance of a one piece rod.
Penn’s International® II casting travel rods are three piece, IMS graphite composite models, equipped with aluminum oxide guides, select cork grips and lightweight graphite reel seats with aluminum hoods. These rods have been specially designed for easy transport as well as superior casting and fish-fighting performance. Two of the three are sensitive yet rugged IMS graphite composite rods with trigger grips, made to handle medium action freshwater to light saltwater angling requirements. Both the 7-foot, 16-pound-class 1370C and 6 1/2 foot, 20-pound-class 1366C International® II casting travel models are best matched with Penn’s International® 955, 965, and 975 baitcasters. The third rod – 1366CH – is a heavier action, three piece model with a gimbal and detachable butt cap. Ideal for the traveling saltwater angler, this 6 1/2-foot, 30-pound-class rod can be performance matched to the International® baitcasters or Penn’s 12LT or 16S International® two-speed reels.
Anglers that prefer spinning tackle, can choose between Penn’s International II and Prion travel systems. The International® II spinning travel rods are 7-foot models that match up perfectly with Penn’s Spinfisher® SS or Prion® spinning reels. Both the 8-pound-class 1370S and the 12-pound class 1370SM models are ideal for trackling medium action freshwater or inshore saltwater angling assisnments. Penn also offers deluxe Prion™ spinning travel systems – a newly designed selection of three piece, chrome plated graphite rods ranging in length from 6 to 7 feet, matched to Penn’s top-of-the-line Prion™ spinning reels. Lightweight, sensitive and strong, Penn Prion™ travel rods feature titanium nitride coated aluminum oxide guides, select cork grips and graphite reel seats. Penn’s Prion™ travel systems are built to handle everything from light action freshwater to medium action saltwater requirements.
If fly fishing is your game, you can select from five rugged yet super sensitive four piece Gold Medal™ travel fly rods. These four piece travel rods
store and transport easily during the flight, drive or hike to any fishing destination. Once you’re at the spot, Penn’s high quality Gold Medal™ travel rods, featuring Penn’s ferrule system, supply unparalleled casting, hook setting and fish-fighting performance. Each model is composed of 96 percent “IM6” graphite combined with Penn’s exclusive Epoxy X43™ resin system. Penn’s Gold Medal™ travel rods range from 8- to 9- feet in length, with models designed for a variety of fly lines (#3 to #8). The 6- and 8- weight rods can be matched with Penn’s renowned International® fly reels, to form the ultimate angling systems for fly fishermen on the go.
To learn more about the new Penn travel systems, or the complete line of Penn reels, rods, downriggers and accessories, see your Penn tackle dealer. Or send $2 ($5 outside N. America) for a 2000 Penn catalog to: Penn Fishing Tackle Mfg. Co., 3028 West Hunting Park Ave, Dept P, Philadelphia, PA 19132-1121. Phone (215) 229-9415. Fax: (215) 223-3017.
By: Marc Malkin, Bear Advertising