Scituate Yacht Company Has New Owners, New Name, New Location and Aggressive New Sales, Service and Marketing Strategy

Luhrs Corporation announced today that one of its top dealerships, Scituate Yacht Company of Hull, Massachusetts, now has new owners. David and Rosa McShane have re-christened the dealership the New Scituate Yacht Company and have opened a new location in Green Harbor, Massachusetts.

The New Scituate Yacht Company location includes 185 slips, a ships store, fuel dock, pump-out station and a full service yard. “Rosa and I are excited about the opportunity to represent Luhrs in five of the six New England states. Luhrs makes a great product that fits extremely well in our market niche and region,” said McShane, a former investment adviser.

John Ulanowski, the former Sciuate Yacht Company owner of 32 years, continues in a sales and consulting capacity.

“John is a wealth of knowledge and experience and will assist us through the ownership transition. It is our intention to retain the traditional values of the former dealership, while embracing many new initiatives to move the company to the next level of sales, service and marketing,” added McShane.

“We are looking forward to seeing the New Scituate Yacht Company expand, and to supporting the McShane’s fresh approach to the Northeast market. Luhrs is totally committed to supporting our new dealer in this market and their customers,” said David Taylor, Luhrs director of sales and marketing.

The Luhrs Corporation, part of the Luhrs Marine Group, is located in St. Augustine, FL. Its legendary line of offshore open, convertible and hardtop models from 28′-41′ are known for overall fishability, bluewater performance and outstanding value. For more information about Luhrs or its products, visit the Luhrs website.By: Captain Mark Kellum


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