Statement Regarding Wisconsin Bass Culling Bill

REGARDING: Gov. Walker of Wisconsin signing the bill allowing culling in bass tournaments (SB-62)

FROM: Kathy Fennel, President of FLW Outdoors Operations Division

“The state of Wisconsin made a positive move today that will benefit the fishing industry and the state?s economy with the signing of the bill lifting culling restrictions for bass tournaments. FLW Outdoors fully supports this move. This opens the opportunity to bring a major FLW tournament to Wisconsin. Some of the finest fisheries and fishing enthusiasts are located in Wisconsin. This is a great move for the sport and will also serve as an economic stimulus to the state.”

FLW Outdoors is the best in fishing, on and off the water. Anglers worldwide can compete for millions over the course of 191 tournaments in 2011.By: Jeff McCoy, PR dir / FLW Outdoors


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