The Ultimate Color Flasher Sets New Standards

Vexilar FL18

In the world of LED color flashers, Vexilar has established itself as the world leader in color flasher technology. This dominance in the marine electronics world will only grow with the introduction of a new unit called the FL-18. The FL-18 is the next generation of color LED flasher that will be setting new standards of performance and features. The FL-18 joins the Vexilar family of products and will be made available in the popular Pro-Pack system that contains everything you need to start ice fishing and the classic gimbal mount.

The FL-18 offers features and performance never before available on a three-color flasher. The FL-18 offers a patented split-screen display. This will allow you to zoom-in on the bottom six feet while watching the entire water column at the same time! You will be amazed at the performance for both summer and winter. The Bottom Lock feature stays locked on the bottom even as the bottom rapidly changes. The Auto Zoom mode allows you to turn up the power to easily spot a tiny ice fly on the bottom in 40 feet of water. The new FL18 will deliver a target ID of less than 1/2 inch.

And that’s not all. The FL-18 is equipped with features like a built-in shallow water mode for fishing waters less than 15 feet. Five depth scales, and models capable of reaching down to 300 feet. Built-in interference rejection. A three color LED readout that tells you if the targets you see are weak (green) medium (orange) or strong (red). This three color LED technology has proven to be the most reliable and accurate way of understanding where fish are holding.

The FL-18 comes with an industry leading two-year factory warranty. Vexilar, of Minneapolis, has been the innovative leader of high quality Marine Electronics for over 40 years.

For more information on the FL-18 or other Vexilar products, write: Vexilar at 200 West 88th street Minneapolis, MN 55420, or call 952-884-5291.


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