Thomas & Kelly Whited Capture Win on Lake Belton

Our first tournament had 15 wonderful couples, God Bless them All, as it was a cold day starting out at 24 degrees and became very windy.

1. Thomas & Kelly Whited 5 fish for a total weight of 9.12 lbs.
2. Wayne and Marilyn Lilljedah 5 fish with a total weight of 9.03 lbs.
3. Randall Cross & Lynn Kelley with 3 fish with a total weight of 7.68 lbs.
4. Gene Lathrop & Jeanne Traywick with 2 fish with a total weight of 6.92 lbs. and Our Big Bass Winner with a 4.32 lb fish.
5. Linc & Kristin Stockton with 4 fish with a total weight of 6.61lbs.
6. Gerald & Denise Rabroker with 3 fish with a total weight of 6.11 lbs.
7. James & Lisa Harris with 3 fish with a total weight of 4.56 lbs.
8. W. C. & Anna Polster with 2 fish with a total weight of 4.14 lbs.
9. Bobby & Rita Wilson with 2 fish with a total weight of 4.11 lbs.
10. Travis & Pat McCollough with 2 fish with a total weight of 3.36lbs.
11. Bob Carr & Shirley Gatewood with 1 fish with a total weight of 1.90lbs.
12. Joseph & Susanne Bush with 1 fish with a total weight of 1.49lbs.
13. Charles & Linda Jeske with 1 fish with a total weight of .85lbs.

Our Door Prize for the Rod was won by John Guerra
Our Door Prize for the Steak Dinner at Texas Road House for two was won by Bob Carr
Bobby & Rita Wilson was the winner in the Ranger Boat to get their entry fee refunded

1st -$400.00 & trophy; 2nd – $230.00 & trophy, 3rd – $135.00 & Big Bass $75.00 & trophy
THIS YEAR (at the end of the season all couples who fish every tournament will have their names put in a drawing and the one name that is selected TRAVIS & I WILL PAY THEIR CLASSIC ENTRY FEE)

Here is our tournament standings pts – TOP SIX GET TROPHIES AT CLASSIC

TEAM Belton Richland
Stillhouse Limestone Total
Thomas & Kelly Whited 100 100
Wayne and Marilyn Lilljedah 99 99
Randall Cross & Lynn Kelley 98 98
Gene Lathrop & Jeanne Traywick 97 97
Linc & Kristin Stockton 96 96
Gerald & Denise Rabroker 95 95
James & Lisa Harris 94 94
W. C. & Anna Polster 93 93
Bobby & Rita Wilson 92 92
Travis & Pat McCollough 91 91
Bob Carr & Shirley Gatewood 90 90
Joseph & Susanne Bush 89 89
Charles & Linda Jeske 88 88
John Guerra & Shelly Labove 25 25
Russell & Lisa White 25 25

OUR 2006 SCHEDULE REGISTRATION AND WEIGH IN Take off is at Safe Light and weigh-in 3:00 pm (unless noted at start of tournament). As always we are usually at the site on Sunday between 5:30 to 6:00 am.

Date Lake Registration & Weigh-in
February 12 LAKE BELTON Cedar Ridge Park
March 12 RICHLAND CHAMBERS Oak Cove Marina (Sun) and
Country Side Inn on (Sat check at register for our room number)
April 9 CEDAR CREEK Sunny Glen Park
May 7 LAKE WACO Lacy Point Ramp (behind Speegleville Marina)
May 28 LAKE STILLHOUSE Stillhouse Hollow Marina Dam
June 25 LAKE LIMESTONE West County Ramp (west side of North bridge)

By: Travis & Pat McCollough


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