2000 World Record Game Fishes Book Now Available for Anglers

The 2000 World Record Game Fishes book is now ready for distribution. This edition of the only official guide to world sportfishing records lists over 850 species in all-tackle, line class and fly fishing categories. Included are the newly revised international angling rules and regulations for freshwater, saltwater, and fly fishing. In addition, there are freshwater line class records for all 50 U.S. states, and complete junior angler records.

Consisting of 364 pages with six sections, the 2000 edition provides much information of interest to anglers. The 42-page “Guide to Fishes” helps anglers identify major game fish species. There’s information on the “Special Clubs” such as the 10 Pound Bass Club, 25 Pound Snook Club, and Grand Slam Clubs. Participants in IGFA’s discount program are listed, and there are tips for catching world record fish.

All new illustrated articles cover a wide range of topics starting with TV host Larry Dahlberg’s in-depth study of the best ways to catch muskies on fly. Traveling angler Pat Ford relates his adventures while fishing for tigerfish on the Zambezi River, and fly rod expert Jack Samson talks about a provocative new fishing spot in Yucatan.

Conservation writer Gary Caputi examines the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service and other government agencies in his article on fisheries management and politics. The IGFA staff has compiled a list of the top 10 anglers, lines and tackles. Plus, the annual collection of best performances of the year will entertain the reader.

WORLD RECORD GAME FISHES/2000 is included as part of IGFA’s annual membership package. Regular membership in the association starts at $35 and includes the bimonthly newsletter International Angler as well as many other membership benefits.

Single copies of the 2000 book are available from the publisher: International Game Fish Association, 300 Gulf Stream Way, Dania Beach, Florida 33004. The price is $12.95 per copy plus $2 domestic, $5 foreign postage and handling. For more information, call IGFA at (954) 927-2628, or Fax (954) 924-4299, or E-mail [email protected].

By: IGFA Staff


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