Care is Key to Life of Casting Reel, Says Abu Garcia’s Everman

Proper care can be key to the longevity of your fishing reel, according to Swedish engineers with Abu Garcia, the world’s largest leader in baitcast reels. As you head for the water this season, Abu Garcia’s BjÖrn Everman says there are some simple steps that can help keep your reel rolling right though the year.

Everman, who works in Abu Garcia’s Svangsta, Sweden plant where ambassadeur reels have been developed since 1952, says there are four steps that every angler can take to enhance the longevity of their baitcast reel, including:

After a fishing trip or before storing a reel for an extended period time, be sure to back off the star wheel to extend the life of your drag system;

Periodically oil your levelwind system lightly with a teflon or silicone-based oil. Abu Garica’s own specail Silicone oil is recommended;

Do not apply excessive grease or oil to your reel, or it may hamper its performance, reduce casting distance, and shorten or destroy drap system performance.

Never apply any type of lubrication to the drag washers of an Ambassadeur reel. Unlike other baitcast reels on the market today, the Abu Garcia drag systems are designed to operate with out lubrication.

Everman also offers the following troubleshooting tips for anglers using baitcast reels:

If the spool does not rotate when you turn the handle, you should check to make sure that your star drag is properly tightened;

If you fishing line tangles when you make a cast, you may want to try adjusting your mechanical brake;

If you experience poor casting distance, adjust your mechanical brake and make sure your spool is filled with line to 1/8″: from the top lip of the spool.

Although Abu Garcia reels are built to last a lifetime, Everman says that at least once a season your baitcast reel should be disassembled for a thorough cleaning and relubrication. If you own an Ambassadeur reel but aren’t comfortable performing this task yourself, call 1-800-ABU-GARCIA for the factory authorized service center nearest you.

By: Abu Garcia Press Release


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