Fewick’s Hardcore HCG Graphite Rods Reinvent Graphite Rod Construction and Performance

A quarter century ago, Fenwick revolutionized fishing rod technology when it unveiled its series of HMG (High Modulus Graphite) rods. Today, Fenwick is advancing the standard of premium rod performance once again with the HCG Hardcore Graphite rod series.

Unlike ordinary graphite rods which are hollow, HCG Hardcore models boasts a patent-pending concentrated graphie core wrapped with high-modulus, super-responsive action graphite fibers. The action graphite fibers helps to keep constant pressure on fish right up to the boat. This construction not only realigns the power distribution through the blank, but also makes the HCG rod faster, stronger and provides superior damping properties than standard graphite rods.

Equally important, the leaner, slimmer profile of an HCG Hardcore rod makes it far less fatiguing to cast as the days wears on and reduces wind resistance.

The HCG Hardcore Graphite series includes five one-piece spinning models, as well as four one-piece Triggerstiks.

The HCG Hardcore Graphite rods feature premium quality cork grips and black chromed stainless steel guide frames with SIC silicon-carbide inner rings to maximize line wear and improve castability.

To further enhance sensitivity, each HCG Hardcore Graphite rod includes Fenwick’s Sensi-Touch reel seat, which increases strike awareness and keeps the angler in touch with subtle bait movements.

For more information on Fenwick’s HCG Hardcore Graphite rods, contact your local fishing tackle retailer or call Fenwick Consumer Services at 1-800-237-5539.


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