Your Ultimate Fishing Resource

How To Avoid PANIC

One of the best fishing tips I can give you is about your outboard motor. Of all the motors I’ve owned, Yamahaâs HPDI engine is by far the most fuel-efficient engine that I’ve ever run. Over the past year that I’ve run the HPDI 200, it has actually saved me between $3,000 and $4,000 just in fuel costs in tournament fishing. They did their homework on this one. And, I just turn the key, no matter the weather and it starts. And let me tell you â if you ever want to see a pro angler panic, itâs when he goes to start his boat to make it back to weigh in, only it wonât start for some reason. Man, thatâs panic with a capital P. I donât have that worry with YamahaBy: Walker Agency


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