Kids All-American Fishing Expects 350,000 Kids

2005 Hooked On Fishing International, organizers of the largest youth/family event partnership program in the country, expects to surpass its 2004 record-setting year with more than 1,900 Kids All-American Fishing events scheduled for 2005. More than 350,000 youngsters will participate in this year’s events, which translates into a 12% increase in the amount of participants per event over last year.

“Enthusiasm is off the chart for this year’s efforts,” said Daniel Johnson, HOFI president. “Much of the excitement is a result of our plans to incorporate several new elements, including retail promotions and a youth ambassador and scholarship program. Although on-the-water derbies will remain the cornerstone of what we do, we’ve dropped the ‘Derby’ designation from our title to better serve our expansion.”

Effective immediately is an expanded partnership with Wal-Mart, the country’s largest retailer and title sponsor of the HOFI program. Wal-Mart will be tying its youth fishing-themed retail events in with community Kids All-American Fishing derbies.

Most participating Wal-Mart stores are scheduling their 2005 in-store events for Saturday, June 4. Their plans include a variety of fun and educational hands-on learning activities designed to get kids interested and started in the sport of fishing. Derbies are often held around the same time, allowing first- time young anglers to try fishing while volunteer experts are on hand and ready to assist.

Dates, locations and times for each scheduled on- the-water event can be found at the Kids All- American Fishing Web site,, by clicking on the Fisher Boy® Derby Locator and using the search feature. Wal-Mart stores with activities planned around nearby derbies will be announced and promoted on a store-by-store basis.

Find a KAAF Derby in your community

The derbies are typically free, half-day affairs for kids up to 15-years old and often include a hot dog cookout, Zebco Kids Casting Carnival and other related activities for all members of the family. Each derby participant receives a waterproof information guide, the “World’s Best Fishing Tips for Kids,” provided by Nestle Waters North America containing illustrated tips on knot-tying, bait selection, casting techniques and more.

HOFI events are hosted by a variety of volunteer groups, including park & recreation departments, U.S. Forest Service, angling and sportsmen’s clubs, scouting organizations, state game and fish agencies, fraternal and service organizations and many others.

In addition to Wal-Mart, sponsors of the derby program from Kids All-American Fishing include Berkley, DMF Bait Co., Eagle Claw, Fisher Boy,, FLW Outdoors, Fujifilm, Kellogg’s, Laker Fishing, Nabisco, Oscar Mayer, Stanley, Zebco and Nestle Waters North America (marketers of the natural spring water brands of Arrowhead, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, Ozarka, Poland Spring, Zephyrhills and Nestle Pure Life).

About Hooked On Fishing International

Hooked On Fishing International is a Tulsa, Okla.- based company. Over the organization’s 19-year history, more than eight million youngsters and their families have participated in the program to date at events held throughout all 50 states and at U.S. military bases as far away as England, Germany, South Korea, and Japan. For more information about attending or hosting Kids All-American Fishing events, visit

By: Gary Dollahon, Dollahon PR


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