NMMA Receives USCG Grant To Continue Statistical Research Study

National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) announced today that its Foundation for Recreational Boating Safety, Education and Environmental Awareness (FRBSEEA) has received a $125,000 grant from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) to launch the second phase of a study to improve upon current statistical information available on recreational boating.

During Phase I of the State of Recreational Boating research study, the Recreational Marine Research Center (RMRC), an organization managed jointly by NMMA and Michigan State University, identified more than 1,200 existing studies and articles currently available that deal specifically with recreational boating. RMRC also developed an online database of this available research that will be made accessible in September 2004.

The study arrived at four conclusions, which will form the basis of the Phase II portion of the study:

There has been a decrease in the amount of boating research being conducted.

A need exists to coordinate and strategically focus boating research resources.

Accurate state boating statistics are difficult to secure

Significant benefits would be gained by developing and demonstrating a framework for collecting data related to the economic impact of boating

“In Phase II of this study we will identify current holes in existing research and will convene a stakeholder symposium to develop a National Boating Research Agenda and a strategy for encouraging financial support for these research initiatives,” says NMMA Market Statistics director Jim Petru. The symposium will be held in November 2004 and will involve various boating agencies (USCG, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) and organizations (National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, Sea Grant) that conduct, fund and utilize boating research.

In addition, Michigan State University’s Dr. Ed Mahoney, who serves as co-director of RMRC, says that a template will be developed during Phase II to act as a model for analyzing the economic impact recreational boating has at congressional and state levels.

“We will create a Recreational Boating Facts Book for three different high activity boating states . The report will track the number of registered boats and boaters, estimates on the number of boating days, number and types of boating businesses, and other pertinent statistical information,” says Mahoney.

Mahoney and Petru are responsible for overall management of the Phase II study. For information, contact Petru at (312) 946-6202; [email protected].

National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the leading association representing the recreational boating industry. NMMA member companies produce over 80 percent of the boats, engines, trailers, accessories and gear used by boaters and anglers in the United States. The association is dedicated to industry growth through programs in public policy, market research and data, product quality assurance and marketing communications.

By: Dan Green, NMMA Staff


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