Tournament Angler donates $50,000 to BC’s Pacific Salmon Foundation

June 4th, 2004 was a very lucky day for Barry Stewart of Alberta and the Pacific Salmon Foundation of British Columbia. He was awarded $75,000 Canadian for his 45.7 pound Chinook catch, winning

the grand prize in the second annual Salmon Masters Tournament, sponsored by West Coast Resorts and the Pacific Salmon Foundation. Barry’s brother, Brian Stewart, was awarded $5,000 for his 4th place overall Chinook. Immediately upon accepting their prizes, Barry and Brian voluntarily

donated $50,000 to the foundation for their continued support of salmon preservation.

“I’ve competed in three derbies with different organizations, and this one was by far the fairest and best run”, commented Mr. Stewart. “I enjoy fishing with my family and, in the future, I want their kids to experience the same thrill and pleasure I receive from fishing. It’s nice to catch fish, but I believe we all need to give back so that there are plenty of fish for the next generation. I hope the $50,000 will help us sustain the future of fishing in BC and give all kids the opportunity to enjoy this amazing activity”.

The three day tournament attracted 88 contestants from Canada and the United States. Competing at two of West Coast Resort’s destinations; the Lodge at Whale Channel, located on the central coast of BC, and the lodge at Englefield Bay, in the majestic Queen Charlotte Islands, anglers

received cash prizes ranging from $2,000-$75,000. “Never before in North America has there been a salmon tournament that offers a cash jackpot of $225,000 CND in total. Our anglers are conservation conscious; a large majority chose to limit their catch to one Chinook per day instead of the regulated allotment of two. Choosing Pacific Salmon Foundation as our charity is a natural choice. We’ve seen the promising results of what can happen when we work together to regulate salmon stocks and protect the environment”, says Brian Clive, President of West Coast Resorts. With this in mind, West Coast Resorts will donate an extra $25,000 of the tournament proceeds to the foundation. The tournament’s silent auction raised an additional $5,000, with another $3000 was donated by guests and guides. Thus, a grand total of $83,000 was donated to the Pacific Salmon Foundation directly from the tournament. West Coast Resorts and its guests have generously donated over $200,000 to salmon conservation since 1997.

West Coast Resorts owns and operates five premier saltwater and freshwater wilderness fishing destinations in British Columbia. The Pacific Salmon Foundation is dedicated to promoting the conservation, restoration and enhancement of Pacific Salmonids for the benefit of present and future generations.

West Coast Resorts would also like to thank all tournament sponsors; Bridgeview Marine, Mercury Outboards, Pacific Coastal Airlines, Pure Fishing and Voyageur Airlines. Next year’s dates have been set for June 1-5, 2005. For further information on the Salmon Masters Tournament, contact West Coast Resorts at 1-800-810-8933.


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